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About Riverbend Bible Church

The Gospel

The reason we're here

Above all else, we want you to know, understand, and embrace a message that the Bible calls the Gospel.


This message is the announcement that God has kept his promises and sent his only Son Jesus Christ into our world as a man. He lived a perfect life which we should all have lived but none of us have. So, he died the death we all deserve to die because of our sin and rebellion against God. We simply have not cherished his glory as our highest good. We refuse his loving rule and insist on our own way. The Gospel proclaims that Jesus rose from the dead to validate all that he did on the cross to save from judgment any who turn away from sin and trust exclusively in Him.


We want you to be among those who love and follow Jesus as Lord.

Our Faith in Practice


Confession of Faith

This document summarizes the Bible’s core truth surrounding and supporting the gospel.


Church Covenant

These are the commitments we make to each other as brothers sisters who seek to display the gospel in community. 


Church Constitution

This is how we serve our Lord together, exercising authority in a healthy way and making decisions that promote our purpose: to worship and witness to Jesus Christ as our greatest treasure.

What we value

Riverbend Bible Church seeks to be a Christ-centered

community whose members practice:


At Riverbend Bible Church we have multiple elders and deacons to serve our church body.



Bob Flack

Email Bob


Joe Bridgman

Email Joe


Larry Scott

Email Larry


Brandon Tackett

Email Brandon



Doug Schrader

Email Doug

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410 Commercial Street,  Atchison, Kansas 66002    |    785-313-1390    |   Email Riverbend


© 2024 by Riverbend Bible Church

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